
The best ready made stuff

Some very committed individuals make everything from scratch for their family.   I like the theory but sometimes with family visits, holidays or hospital visits we need to cut a few corners.  Here are some brands we have found that fit in with our theory of as much whole unprocessed food as we can  They are always gluten free.  Most are sugar free or the sugar is in a natural state as possible.

 ( I think if you are to follow the full GAPS / SCD diet there is probably little option.  Whilst we are still just gluten free / dairy (cow) free we have a few more options. )


Nakd bars.   Good for lunch boxes and trips out.  Not organic.  We like the Cocoa and Gingerbread ones which only have dried fruit, cocoa, nuts and natural flavouring .  We avoid the ones with soya crunchies.  .  Available in most supermarkets.


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Castagno Bio 
Organic slow dried pasta - we enjoy their rice and buckwheat pasta 

Orgran pasta.  
They do a good range of gluten free pastas.  Not organic.  We buy their buckwheat pasta, brown rice and vegetable pasta and plain rice pasta

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