
Tuesday 7 January 2014

Victoria sponge cake / Birthday cake

I was dreading my daughters birthday as it was the first one since giving up gluten and with years of castle cakes / Thundercat cakes etc I know my daughter had high expectations! I know she misses out on lots of 'treats' and didn't want her to feel second best on her big day.  However I need not have worried as this was delicious, healthy and I got several requests for the recipe from other mums.  

I need to make the two layers separately as I dont have a mixer big enough to fit the mixture in one go and I don't get good results from my oven if I bake two cakes at once.  However if you don't have this issue you can just double the ingredients and bake both layers at once.

These sponges can be made in advance, wrapped in clingfilm and frozen - meaning one job that can be done well in advance of the party!


250g almond flour
1/2 tsp bicarbonate of soda
Pinch of salt
3 large eggs
45 grams melted butter 
80ml honey 
1 tbsp vanilla extract 
Zest of one lemon (optional) 
2 tbsp of lemon juice (optional) 

Portion of vanilla frosting
Vanilla buttercream
Fruit for topping 

To make the sponge layers:

  • Follow the instructions to fairy cakes to create the cake mixture
  • Pour into a lined / greased 7 or 8 inch round tin for approx 30 minutes
  • Take out and put on a rack to cool
  • Repeat process for second layer


To create the victoria sandwich:

  • When both layers are ready check if you need to take a thin slice of one of them to give you a flat surface.
  • Place the cakes face down on a surface.  Cover one with Jam. 
  • Cover other cake with a layer of vanilla buttercream 
  • Carefully lift one cake and place on top of the other so the jam and cream meet together

For the topping:

  • Make a portion of vanilla honey frosting (This can be done a few hours in advance) 
  • Chop up strawberries into small pieces and half raspberries, and grapes  (or whatever fruit you want to choose)
  • Put a thick later of frosting all over the cake - I like to put quite a lot around the edges so it drips down and gives the cake a decadant feel
  • Decorate the cake with fruit
  • Scatter the left over fruit around the base of the cake 

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