
Friday 27 February 2015

Fak'd bars - raw fruit,seed and nut flapjacks

My kids love Nakd bars and as ready made stuff goes I am happier for them to eat these than biscuits full of trans-fats, sugar and other nasties.  However I like the idea of using less sugar (even if it is natural fruit sugar) and more seeds.  Making your own also allows you to use seeds and nuts that have been previously soaked and dehydrated which reduces the phytic acid levels making them more easily digestible.

This first version went down well but the kids (ever honest) did point out that the commercial bars have cocoa and raisins. I have therefore agreed they may have been slightly misled under the trade description act and will try a cocoa version tomorrow! 

 I used the nut butter for added stickiness and almond flour for extra bulk but both these could be omitted if need be - stick in a handful more dates instead. 

Keep in the fridge so they maintain their shape.  Any crumbly bits would taste fab sprinkled over some natural yoghurt 


200g pitted dates 
50g almond flour 
3 tbsp coconut oil 
1 tbsp honey 
2 tbsp nut butter (I used crunchy almond butter)
100g sunflower seeds
100g pumpkin seeds 


Mix the coconut oil, honey, dates and nut butter in the food processor until it makes a sticky paste 
For a chunky bar with whole seeds remove this mixture from the processor and in a bowl, mix in the seeds and flour by hand 
For a more blended taste add the seeds to the blender and mix until clumping into a ball / desired size of pieces 
Spoon the mixture into a baking tray lined with grease proof paper
Lay another piece of greaseproof paper on the top and press down by hand or with a rolling pin 
Put the covered tray into the fridge to chill for at least one hour then cut into pieces 

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