
Friday 1 May 2015

Old skool sausage pasta

This is a dish that reminds me of my husband and I's uni days.  Now though the pasta is gluten free, the sausages are better quality and the table is strewn with toys, not overflowing ashtrays and wine bottles! (Well to be fair there is still wine around!) 

This is a winner for us because my daughter who won't eat sausages on their own enjoys them in this sauce. My son, who would eat sausages for every meal is happy to gobble up the sauce, red pepper and all! 

I make up my own Italian mixed herbs by mixing together equal amounts of dried oregano, thyme, basil, sage and rosemary.  

We use free range or organic all meat sausages from Graig Farm, Devon Rose or Roaming Rooster but any good quality plain banger will do (avoid herbs that will fight with the Italian seasoning!) 

I always make at least two family sized portions at once - simply double up the ingredients below. 

We serve this with brown rice or buckwheat pasta and some buttered green beans on the side. It would also work well on its own with a green salad. 


1 packet of sausages 
1 medium onion, chopped 
1 red pepper, deseeded and chopped into small pieces 
2 cloves of garlic, crushed 
1 tsp of Italian seasoning 
Olive oil / ghee / lard or beef dripping for cooking 
1/3-1/2 bottle (approx 300ml) of organic passata 
Glass of red wine (optional) 


- Heat a tbsp of oil/fat  in a large pan and add the sausages, cooking for a couple of minutes before turning over so they are browned all over. (If you are cooking more than one portion it is best to cook the sausages in batches)  Remove the sausages from the pan and set aside.
- Lower the heat, add more oil if necessary and add in the onion and red pepper, cooking gently for around ten minutes until soft. During this time cut the sausages into small chunks (around 6 per sausage). I find it easiest to do this with scissors 
- Add the garlic to the pan, stirring frequently to prevent it burning and becoming bitter. After a couple of minutes add the sausage pieces back into the pan and increase the heat 
- Add in the passata, wine and herbs. (If you are adding in wine only use 1/3 of a bottle) 
- Season generously with salt and pepper 
- Once it reaches a vigorous simmer reduce the heat so it is simmering gently and cover. 
- Simmer for around 40 minutes or until it reaches the desired consistency, stirring occasionally to prevent sticking.

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